Dive into the art of portraiture in this portfolio, where every image is a testament to the unique beauty found in each individual. From expressive close-ups to candid captures, our portfolio showcases the diverse spectrum of personalities and emotions, celebrating the essence of each subject. Whether it's a professional headshot or an individual profile, this collection is a visual journey that seeks to capture not just faces but the stories, character, and authenticity that make every portrait a timeless piece of art.

Portrait of a Woman's Headshot
Portrait of a Woman Posing
Portrait of a Woman Posing
Portrait of a Woman Posing
Portrait of a Woman Posing
Portrait of a Woman Posing


Do you travel for photo shoots?

Our standard packages include a 50 km radius of travel from the Greater Toronto Area. Travel from location to location throughout a shoot day is not billed.

If your shoot is outside of the GTA, please contact us to let us know where and we would be happy to advise if and what additional travel fees would apply.

What equipment do you bring to a shoot?

Our main camera bodies are Sony A7iv models, which are a high-end mirrorless digital cameras.

We bring a variety of amazing lenses with us as well, both primes and zooms.

After dark we may use flashes, either on camera or on stands, depending on the setting / venue.

Of course, every important piece of equipment in our bags are backed up with a second piece of equipment of equal quality, just in case.

Do you provide retouching, color adjustment, or other corrective services?

Every photo you receive will be fully edited in our creative style, to the extent that you see on our website. This includes tone and white balance adjustment, exposure adjustment, cropping and straightening the images, black and white conversion (when appropriate) and sharpening.

Do you provide the raw files of our photos?

The short answer to this is, no. We really believe in the brand we have built, and a major part of our aesthetic comes alive through editing.

How long after our shoot do I have to wait to get our photos?

Our contract stipulates a maximum of four weeks for delivery of your full gallery, but we rarely go to that extent.

We always strive to deliver portrait galleries within two weeks from your shoot date.

If you need a couple of photos in advance to use for any reason, please let us know, we would be happy to provide a few selects for you.

How many photos should I expect?

Every shoot is different, but that being said, 60-100 photos is typical per hour for a standard shoot.

We will, however, provide you with every single photo that is worth delivering (every photo that is well exposed, non-duplicate and, of course, flattering). We don't withhold or cap the number of photos we deliver.

How do I go about printing my images?

You have full printing rights for all of the images in your final gallery, and you may use whatever printing vendor you’d like. Printing can also be done directly through your online gallery using our professional print lab.

Please know, however, that each print lab calibrates their colours in their own way and that is beyond the realm of what we can control. We unfortunately cannot be responsible in the differences in how colour renders between our digital photos and various print labs.

What are the next steps if we would like to book you?

A signed contract and a 50% retainer will be needed to reserve your shoot date.